Calling all APA MN Members!

We need YOU on the local board!

The APA MN Chapter has several opportunities to get involved in leadership roles with the organization.

To nominate yourself for a position please email your current resume and a letter of interest. The letter of interest can include:

  • What interests you about the position?
  • What are your past roles in APA or other similar organizations?
  • What skills will you bring to the position?
  • What ideas do you have for the position?
  • Other things we should know about you.

Introduction, Mission, and Vision

The Minnesota Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA-MN) is a non-profit statewide organization of over 900 planning professionals, educators, local officials and planning commissioners who are involved in planning-related activities on behalf of state and regional agencies, counties, cities, towns, educational institutions and the private sector. APA Minnesota is a chapter of the American Planning Association (APA), a non-profit public interest and research organization whose origins date back to 1917.


The mission of APA Minnesota is to advocate for equitable and sustainable planning practices across the state by supporting professional planners and engaging with those who live and work in our communities.


Sustainability. We provide resources and educational opportunities to further the sustainability goals of APA.

  • Equity and Inclusiveness. We make decisions and take actions through the lens of equity and inclusion.
  • Connection. We aim to formalize partnerships with like-minded organizations and individuals to advance our goals.
  • Development. We understand the importance of networking, education, and communication for professionals and residents alike.
  • Advocacy. We seek to be recognized as the organization for expertise in planning in Minnesota.

  • Partnerships. Establish and formalize partnerships with like-minded organizations to expand organizational reach and accomplish shared goals.
  • Leadership. Leverage the knowledge of the association’s membership to enact change in Minnesota.
  • Community Planners. Grow the field of community leaders advocating for good planning.
  • Involvement.  Provide a variety of education and networking opportunities to increase member involvement and enrichment.
  • Communication. Utilize a combination of communication tools to reach all members and stakeholders.
  • Equity. All decisions and actions are made through the lens of equity and inclusion.
  • Membership. Retain members and expand membership base by Membership meeting members’ evolving needs.
  • Internal Operations. Update and improve internal operations to better serve as stewards of the organization’s resources and maximize efficiency and effectiveness while prioritizing equity.