Email the site administrator to submit your RFP/RFQ for review with the following:
- a paragraph (or two) summarizing the RFP/RFQ along with a website link to the complete documentation
- a submission deadline
- a contact name and number
There is no charge for advertising RFPs/RFQs on the website or in APA Minnesota's electronic newsletter, where it will also be listed provided the submission deadline is prior to the issuance of the next newsletter.
Request for Proposals: Growth Area Master Plan
The City of West Fargo, North Dakota is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to lead a planning process for the development of a Growth Area Master Plan. The purpose of this project is to produce a Growth Area Master Plan to strategically guide future development within the City’s growth area in an orderly and coordinated manner that is both fiscally sustainable and consistent with the community’s vision for the future of West Fargo.
The Growth Area Master Plan will detail the vision and outline the implementation strategy for the effective management of the City’s growth and development over the next 10-25 years. The plan will build upon the City’s Comprehensive Plan and will distill information and recommendations from a handful of existing plans, policies, studies, and institutional knowledge into a comprehensive guide for growth management. By the end of this process, the City will have the knowledge and the tools necessary to guide development in a manner that aligns with the public interest and vision, is well coordinated with partner entities, and is fiscally sustainable.
Full RFP:
The full RFP document is available for download on the City's website at: https://www.westfargond.gov/Bids.aspx.
Submission Date:
Digital proposals are to be submitted at or before 11:00 A.M. CST, Thursday, November 14, 2024.
Aaron Nelson
Planning Director
Request for Proposals: Comprehensive Plan
Winona County seeks proposals from qualified consultants to lead the review and update of the Winona County Comprehensive Plan. This plan will provide a citizen driven foundation for planning and policy considerations in Winona County and build upon the work contained in the 2014 Winona County Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of this plan is to articulate a community vision through the year 2045 and set out the specific goals, policies, and actions needed to achieve that vision.
If you have any problems accessing the documents, please call the Planning and Environmental Services Department at 507-457-6520. The Request for Proposals (RFP) may be obtained via the link below or during normal business hours from the Winona County Planning and Environmental Services Department, 202 W 3rd Street, Winona, MN 55987.
Proposals must be received before 4:30 p.m., CST on November 15, 2024, to be considered.
Request for Proposals: Parks Funding Model Evaluation and Financial Analysis
Washington County is seeking proposals to help take an in depth look at the financial sustainability of the park system and make recommendations to the current funding structure, focusing on fiscal responsibility, public access, and equitable use.
Full posting here: https://www.washingtoncountymn.gov/bids.aspx?bidID=727
Closing Date/Time:
10/25/2024 4:00 PM
Contact Person:
Connor Schaefer
Request for Proposals: Unified Development Ordinance
The City of New Prague, Minnesota is seeking proposals for consultant services, in consultation with city staff, to create a new Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance to be incorporated with related existing ordinances (Floodplain and Building Regulations) which we are calling a “Unified Development Code” for the City of New Prague, Minnesota.
Submission Date:
October 18th, 2024, by 4:30 PM
Ken Ondich
Planning / Community Development Director