Email the site administrator to submit your RFP/RFQ for review with the following:

  • a paragraph (or two) summarizing the RFP/RFQ along with a website link to the complete documentation
  • a submission deadline
  • a contact name and number

There is no charge for advertising RFPs/RFQs on the website or in APA Minnesota's electronic newsletter, where it will also be listed provided the submission deadline is prior to the issuance of the next newsletter.


Request for Proposals: Purchase and Redevelopment of 3-acre Property

The City of Edina seeks a creative and experienced real estate developer to purchase and redevelop a vacant 3-acre parcel of land. The preferred project contains a mix of commercial and residential uses with a preference for ownership housing such as townhouses, cooperatives or condominiums. Proposals for rental housing will also be considered but are a lower priority in this location.

Proposals are due no later than Monday April 21, 2025. Questions about this opportunity posed by March 31st will be answered by City staff with responses posted on the City website. For more information, refer to the RFP and related materials posted on the City of Edina website : Available Redevelopment Sites | Edina, MN

Deadline: Monday April 21, 2025

Contact: Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager (

Request for Qualifications: Unified Development Code

The City of Edina, Minnesota is seeking the services of a qualified planning consultant for the purpose of developing a Unified Development Code (UDC). The purpose of the UDC is to update, consolidate, and unify several sections of city code into a cohesive document - primarily zoning (Chapter 36), subdivisions (Chapter 32) and certain building and construction regulations (Chapter 10). The current zoning ordinance was adopted in 1970. Since that time, Edina has become a fully built-out community and most of the development occurring in the community is redevelopment of properties. Edina’s development practices and economics have changed significantly since 1970, along with the City’s vision, as reflected in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and small area plans. Although the zoning ordinance has been updated incrementally over time, it is not well aligned with the vision and goals of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and small area plans. Additionally, these incremental updates have resulted in the code being less cohesive. Compatibility of the zoning chapter with other chapters, such as subdivisions and certain building and construction regulations could also be improved. The City seeks to update its development and land use regulations in the form of a UDC to better suit today’s needs.

Link to complete RFQ document:


Questions on RFQ: Friday, March 21, 2025

Submittal: 4:00pm CST, Friday, April 11, 2025


Cary Teague, Community Development Director (

Addison Lewis, Community Development Coordinator (